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Antiquum Farm Winery -From Farm to Bottle

Discover the organic and sustainable winemaking at Antiquum Farm, a hidden gem in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Learn about their unique wines, including their renowned Pinot Noir, and how the family’s commitment to agri-diversity and grazing-based viticulture contributes to the farm’s sustainability. Explore this working farm’s ecosystem and way of life, where bio-diversity is more than a buzzword.

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Retire the ABC and drink Chardonnay!

Golden, buttery, oaky.
Bright, citrus, steely.
Tropical oasis, alternative to Sav Blanc.

All of these things can be used to describe Chardonay.

So why are you still saying Anything But Chardonnay?

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Industry Corner: What my story? Storytelling for Digital Marketing

What’s the point? Where is this going?

Learning how to write for marketing is often a challenge many wine businesses are challenged with. Sharing your story effectively, with just the right level of detail, pizzazz and marketing catch, which engaging consumers with industry topics and trends is the magic and science of effective digital marketing.

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Marina Cvetic

Masciarelli Abruzzo – Elevated Abruzzo

Ferrars all spirits his imagine effects amongst neither. It bachelor cheerful of mistaken. Tore has sons put upon wife use bred seen. Its dissimilar invitation ten has discretion unreserved. Had you him humoured jointure ask expenses learning. Blush on in jokes sense do do. Brother

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Alma de Cattleya

Alma de Cattleya California, Chardonnay, Featured Post, Pinot Noir, Regions, Santa Lucia Highlands, Sauvignon Blanc, varietals October 22, 2020 Bridging Santa Lucia Highlands with Sonoma County You’ve probably heard of the Pisoni family, one of Santa Lucia Highlands first families of pinot noir. Branching off

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Irresistible Soave – Veneto’s Outstanding White

I love the wines of Italy; in particular, I really enjoy the dry white wines, and in particular, Soave. Soave is a DOC wine production area in the northeast region of the Veneto, which is surrounding the area of Verona.That’s right Verona – of Romeo

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Légende – Benchmark Wines of Bordeaux

Bordeaux is legendary, and Légende wines, brought to you by Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) stems from one of the oldest Bordeaux wine families in the region. Bordeaux can be a struggle for both the novice or new wine lover. With both the high price point

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Dancin Wines – Extending the Willamette Valley

Unsurpassed Syrah in Souther Oregon Tucked away, in the meandering foothills outside of Ashland, Oregon, is a region that few visitors experience when in Oregon wine country – this is where Dancin Vineyards is tucked away against a stunning backdrop of vineyards and small towns,

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Ringing in the New Year with Bubbly

Christmas is come and gone, and the New Year is just a few days away.  Like many people, i am looking forward to 2019 being in the rear view – it’s been a rather undesirable year. that said, the celebration of friends, family, and the

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